CivWiki Newsmagazine for January 2025
From the Editor
Hello, and welcome to the new format!
For those unfamiliar, I used to run a newsletter (although, in practice, simply a weekly blog) about happenings across the Civ genre; it covered primarily CivMC news, but also happened to run things for CivReign and other servers in development during this time period. After two and a half years with no relief, this was the alternative solution, where I figured out that a monthly compilation of news and more became a better solution. Although I’m still writing a bunch, I find this better for sustainability!
That being said, as a result of being a more magazine-like feel, I’m trying to make the newsmagazine transform into a more insightful and broad look at Civ, on a more macro-level view than the micro-level view as previous. Think of it as the New York Times turning into the The Economist, or something like that.
This edition, you’ll be seeing two distinct themes from outside contributors: economy & history. BritishWanderer and Gamertime, both head figures within the Monument Group, wrote pieces about the major economic news and the philosophy & inner workings behind the ever-popular stock market. You’ll also see some pieces from x1025 and Pandastical, who are writing about the history of the Olympics on Civ, and their perspective in the New Vegas - JSDF war on CivRealms.
We also have three more pieces: one from reffelruz about his column about Metaphysics, and ArtificialDriver talking about the drawbacks of OneDest and the benefits of direct rails, and one from four reputable players within the Civ community, reflecting on the past year, like I usually do.
Of course, I wouldn’t be in this newsletter for nothing. I still am writing about important news around the game, highlighting excellent work around Civ as per usual, and heading the monthly polls like I usually do; that won’t be going away for at least a little bit as they were the most successful portions of the original newsletter, but on a more macro level than before.
I hope you enjoy this very first edition of the newsmagazine — and if you’re interested in writing for this in the future, let me know, at @specificlanguage
on Discord.
This newsletter was proudly sponsored by Monument Bank, VEC Incorporated, ArtificialIndustries, Tusk Armory and Onyx Netherite. You’ll see their ads sprinkled throughout the newsletter.
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Other repairs: armor, swords, shovels and axes repairs coming soon!
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Table of Contents
A Backstage Theater
One of Pandastical's first servers was on CivUniverse. His piece this month takes a look at his own time during the New Vegas war that happened during that iteration.

The History of the Olympics
The Olympics on Civ is a very long tradition, x1025 takes a look back on what has been and what will be.

MetaCivics: Where We Start
Throughout his journey on Civ, his many experiences has led his core philosophy. This is where it starts.

About the Pavian Stock Exchange
How does the Pavian Stock Exchange really operate? Gamertime explains more.

Abandoned Tracks and Lost Players
Is OneDest actually good? ArtificialDriver muses upon the benefits (or, lack thereof) of RailSwitch's signature /dest command.

Around the Server
Hot News of the Month
Looking for the highlights of Civ in January 2025? Look no further!

Icenian News for January 2025
HosayNotJoseph & SpeedyJustice
The AP Media Company's first foray into news is running down everything happening in Icenia!

Economic News in January 2025
With the Civ economic scene growing stronger than ever, BritishWanderer is doing a rundown of everything that happened this month.

The Fun Compilation
Look at all the cool things Civ players have made!

Poll of the Month
specificlanguage & Xcios
What did players think about the game in 2024? Take a look -- and don't forget to vote!

Reflections on Civ in 2024
Several players (and an admin!) detail their experiences within Civ in 2024.

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I hope you enjoy reading the newsletter this month!
(This month’s cover image is of Winterbourne Harbor, courtesy of PFP_Nexl — to provide a cool winter spirit in the northern hemisphere.)
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