CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

Privacy Policy


The privacy policy is only published to apply to Newsletters Polls; no other aspect of the newsletter requests any user input. Polls are inherently opt-in. By submitting this poll, you agree for the newsletter to collect your responses, and that they may be used for publication within one month of submission. The writers are the only ones who view your data individually and in aggregate. All data is anonymized and are not associated with any in-game account.

In a general sense, we follow New York Times terms of service on comments and their privacy policy, with the minor modifications of not asking you for identiyfing info.

This policy describes how we handle your personal information when you use polls on the newsletter. The use of polls in this application (“Polls”) requires the collection of user responses (“Response Data”), but does not request any user-identifying information (“User Data”). The Data collected is limited to poll responses and the time of submission for debugging purposes. Use of the Polls is considered an agreement to the terms of this Policy.

Storage of Data

The response data is only stored in an SQL database. The database is secured to prevent external access, however no guarantee is provided and the Bot owners assume no liability for the unintentional or malicious breach of Data. In the event of an unauthorized data access, users will be notified through the newsletter and a discord announcement.

Examples of data collected only include poll responses, which are anonymized.

Usage of Data

The response data is only used for visualizations & viewing individual responses when publishing a newsletter, no names are associated when publishing this response.

No user data is collected.


If you have any further questions or are concerned about what data might be being stored that may be tied to any account or personal data, contact @specificlanguage.