CivWiki Monday Newsletter for November 20, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from New England!
It’s once again the Monday before Thanksgiving which feels much earlier than I usually feel it comes. I’ve given myself a bit of grace the past couple of weeks and hopefully will be a bit better on working on things that might be a little more productive. Civ can be a good distraction
Featured Image
This week’s featured image is Pacem’s main square. I’ve mentioned it a few times in the newsletter before, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen the area very built out, and I’m super excited to see what’s in store for them. Going back to that ’20s style architecture from before that’s Pacem’s bread and butter, it’s amazing to see them start working on the city they’ve promised for more than year now. Really great to see, and I can’t wait to see it built out a lot more.
Featured Article
Realistic Biomes is a plugin commonly found on Civ servers to adjust crop growth times. Used normally to balance experience production, Realistic Biomes adjusts crop growth and breeding to be dependent on biomes, and light visibility, as well as adjust crop growth times to take hours or days for a crop to be fully harvestable. Optimal growth times usually are around three to eight hours, but are lower in less corresponding biomes, for example, potatoes grow well in winter-themed biomes, like taigas or tundras, but do not grow in hot biomes, like deserts or jungles.
Originally debuting on Civcraft, it became a mainstay of Civ servers to this day, as it slowed player progression down to prevent quick enchantments. Clay can be used to speed up growth times to up to 33%, and glowstone or lamp-like blocks can be used to simulate greenhouse-environments underground. Crop growth is also persistent, meaning that it will continue to grow while chunks are unloaded. Development on the plugin continues to this day and has been used on every mainline Civ server since Civcraft.
This week’s featured article image is a display of the Pavian farmlands. (editor’s note: i literally died for this image)
The News
A luxury box overlooking the new Yoahtl Ice Rink in the jungle.
Thinner Ice
Last week, as many readers are probably aware, Icenian Senate Speaker Quanton_Biscuit posted accusations of Gang Shi targeting Icenia for frivolous purposes. Gang Shi leader Gwua posted a rebuttal within a few hours, which I now have the pleasure to summarize (after it was thankfully posted after the news cutoff the previous week)
- Gwua explained that PhysicsGamer was not involved and they were merely distracted by his presence (which, yes that’s what happened), but criticized that PhysicsGamer’s actions were being representative of Gang Shi. Gwua claims they weren’t as PhysicsGamer was deliberately doing so to be mercy banned.
- In terms of SpeedyJustice’s pearling, Gwua claims that the reason was leverage, but also revenge for obbybombing an ice road, mentioned as one of the previous posts, justifying that their discovery of the obbybomb on sudden notice allowed them to pearl SpeedyJustice.
- Finally, in response to them blowing up Icenian building, they responded with a very lame “Lol. Reinforce your shit.”
Gang Shi claims they are doing this out of self-defense and protecting their interests, claiming “We have not routinely lied, bullied, or attacked anyone. What we have done is routinely defended our interests and our friends against opposition such as yourself.”
Most users in the comments were not very appreciative of this response, mainly due to the lack of original proof of the claims, (not even joking, every link in the above section was from its predecessor) and just general dismissive language from in the post and comments.
General Icenia and Gang Shi conflicts this week eventually resulted in a subreddit PvP war for public relations, mostly triggered by memes in poor taste. I won’t cover them too much because, they’re not only not funny, but come on, it’s really just the same things being yelled over and over again.
Happenings Around Civ
- Nara announced a new city, built last weekend around a large clock tower they built a few months ago, named Orakuru.
- Florence separated from Kar-Kazdun which went inactive — although that does mean Dark is now running another nation after Lambeau, which is also inactive
- Columbia reestablished their claims, as they claim areas west of the former Rhode Island territory.
- Icenia and Nara signed a friendship agreement, agreeing upon non-aggression, sharing bountied persons, and international cooperation.
- The Monument Bank gave an update on their bot’s rewrite, and hint at future updates for the bank in the future.
- Mat_Potato_King won reelection handily as Chancellor within the Imperial Federation, with Regency being elected as the citizen’s judge.
- Although an informal announcement, Mat_Potato_King also announced that the Imperial Federation would annex Landshut and Withervale near Otonabee.
- Gang Shi announced the opening of their capital city, Blacklight for January 20, 2024.
- Estalia’s Phoenix Bird at Suramir Market in 0,0 is missing… contact any Estalian if you find anything!
Metagame Highlights
- jbblocker criticized on Reddit about people downvoting art from Butter_villager and iinkuu. Not sure why this is a debate, but if someone really dislikes at least well made art, something’s wrong.
- Gjum created a calculator on his website to navigate the complicated interest structure of the Monument Bank.
- Jaydon compiles some statistics to see who’s been playing on CivMC the most, and then shaming those who play for too long. Would you be surprised I’m actually not even in the top 500?
- Distant Horizons released a new video for their upcoming 2.0 release, which includes an API. Somewhere in Germany, Gjum sprinted into action as he began to write a new Horizons sync client.
- ItzHoover revamped his Aeros discord into a Civ Book Club where players can talk about player-written books on Civ. It’s like the Maester Alliance lite. Join here.
The Fun Stuff
Gobblin looking over the Pavia skyline.
- Did I say they were building Orakuru last weekend yet? No? Well, here’s still a few pictures of what they built, it looks great so far!
- Speaking of Nara, they are building more trees in Shiroyama
- Nara is also looking pretty with this very natural dye store
- A new, slightly run down apartment in Gang Shi from Altelier is filled to the brim with detail
- If this Ila’Kyavul government building is finished I’d be shocked, in more ways than one
- Sure, here’s a Sao Bento sunrise in Lusitania from Banyough
- Of course, Pacem’s main square is getting a cool highlight
- Ok fine, just because I finally put my first Christmas song on finally means I can post Margaritaville dressed with holiday cheer
- Okay Amicitia, you can also get a Christmas highlight too
- Gobblin also has some incredible images of Pavia’s town hall and around the city
Cool Content
- Now that’s what I call “Vinland”, volume 45! (I don’t know why I did this but I was thinking of it when I wrote it down and it was funny, so i did)
- Georges Seurat’s pointilist masterpiece, “A Sunday at La Grande Jatte” is now on CivMC in four locations, courtesy of dangercookie, looking incredible.
- Even if I don’t understand the concept of this post or background or like the art style that much, I can at least appreciate the shading is well done, etc., good job butter_villager.
- Hell yeah, Vinland
- VilyanZ and DesertMelons both propose regions and continents for dividing up CivMC.
- Shadno releases a new version of the Civ Paintings Pack, with a lot of new paintings from Flootle and iinkuu
- Wait a second…no…not another alliance venn diagram!!! NOOO VilyanZ is going to turn into Yodabird19 and get horrifically pearled in 2 years nooooo
- Well I just think the editing goes hard on this guy, can’t wait to say Bye Bye to Paddington_Bear
We All Scream for Icenia
- ComradeNick made a few posts about Icenia/Gang Shi this past week, whether striking, bad wojak meme parodying another, other bad wojak meme parodying itself, and just cursed things
- bro just kiss for fuck’s sake
- i can handle myself i promise
- This meme with Yoahtl and Icenia and Gang Shi literally makes no sense
- i am now disowning truck as a friend for this meme
- you know i’m thinking that this is just too surreal and/or gross to me now, slushhi
- pretty sure i think we all know how funny sneed jokes are now
- no i think both sides actually cry if they do fucking anything
- Now this, this is special
Anything Else
- The yoahtl arm is strong and powerful
- You know i just look at like, five things total to decide whether I need to talk about a reddit post for more than ten words
- So, I don’t think it’s OC but, it’s still good? To be honest an anime war between Gang Shi and Icenia, or really any country, would be really fun to do
- You know Madagascar 3 is an underrated film
- Fempire do be just on another level bro
- Advertisements can be less of art and more of a meme nowadays, Chris
- You know, I’m just glad people care about Civwiki enough to just literally post a stupid military infobox on it
- When Pavia said they were going to be the British Empire this iteration, I didn’t think they really meant it though
Non-Civ Content
- Sportsball is set for an incredible Monday Night Football match with a Super Bowl rematch against the Eagles and Chiefs… not to mention Taylor Swift’s boyfriend is probably playing
- Metriximor and Banyough (or at least the latter) are starting a YouTube channel with the first episode of Overcooked on their YouTube channel! Congrats to them!
- Hmmmmmm, maybe I should start actually posting on my YouTube channel soon…
- It looks like I forgot Finn’s adoption and so here he is being really cute courtesy of Nara discord
- What have I been up to this week? Well, I went to prom, I watched Loki (good), I watched a documentary series about Walt Disney Imagineering (also good), I watched Monty Python (pretty good), I had a panic attack (not good). Ah, you know, the usual.
Poll of the Week
This week we only had 16 responses, a new low. What the hell is going on?
The first question was “Are you participating in the CivWiki competition?”
There’s not much to say but if you want free diamonds, go and edit CivWiki. I know there’s some issues right now with images, but I highly encourage you to work on something for the benefit of the server and documentation of history for future generations of newfriends to come. I swear, I don’t advertise CivWiki well, but goddammit, I want it to be good, so you gotta do your editing as much as I have to do it, too!
The second question was “What poll questions would you like to see?” I only got one, which isn’t worth asking about, so it’s not worth talking about it too much. Maybe a better open response question will trigger some people?
The Actual Poll
Bawk-Bawk Cry for Help
DesertMelons’ version of continents of the Map of the World.
Of course, this is the last newsletter before we head into the Thanksgiving season, and I still want to thank everyone for reading, especially you all for allowing me to take occasional breaks on the newsletter when I desperately need to. We’re heading to the end of the year and I know I haven’t done much, and there’s still a lot to do, but I know I can do it.
Thanks to…oh wait I was the only one writing the newsletter this week, oh well. Well, dear reader, thanks for reading it anyways. Always worth liking that someone reads my content.
If you’re in the US and celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday, please spend this time with family, friends, or both, and don’t come into Civ. It’s one of the few times you probably will be able to get together to help. I certainly won’t log in or look at the subreddit. If you’re not celebrating Thanksgiving, take a minute to say thanks to your close ones, because they’ll always appreciate it.
Thanks one last time for reading this newsletter and supporting me for all this time, one of the few constants in my life for the past year and a half (which is honestly shocking to say). In other words…