CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Newsletter for December 2, 2024

• specificlanguage

Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest!

We’re so back but of course, I have to say the obvious, (which surprisingly I don’t think I’ve said before on this newsletter) nothing ever happens. Especially this week, you’ll notice that nearly everything I’m about to mention is all about metagame stuff because once again, nothing happened.

Although I traveled from the same time zone today, this is going to be a short one because I’m really, really tired. Turns out taking the 6am flight, both ways, is just not a good idea. Are we ready for the news?

This week’s featured image is Pacem’s town square. I think it’s just a coincidence that I might be highlighting Pacem on thanksgiving again, but of course it still looks as great as ever. The 1920s “Department store” vibe lives stronger than ever here and even years down the line, is one of the best build styles that Civ has ever seen. Although we’re a few years into this iteration I can’t wait to see how much more this evolves! Thanks to max_imil for the image.

Featured Article

This week’s featured article is a repeat of January 9, 2023, and was written by ArtificialDriver.

The Gabon Corporation was a publicly traded Gabonese multinational conglomerate corporation operating in the fields of industry, consumer goods, agrigulture and construction. The corporation was based in Salisbury, Gabon and was the first major shareholder-owned company to be established on CivClassic with operations in 7 separate countries. Its predecessor, the GabonXP Corporation was founded by FKA_Twink, Gobblin and BritishWanderer on October 7th 2020 as a means to profit off the server’s XP market.

Its goal was to produce affordable XP and ship it globally. The company went public in December 2020, allowing any member of the public to purchase shares for which the Corporation would pay out dividend every quarter. The Corporation would later merge with Salisbury Holdings and G&W Co. into what would be known as the Gabon Corporation. At its peak the Corporation would make over 6000 diamonds and pay out 1400 diamonds in quarterly dividends to its shareholders who held a total of 4000 shares. The Gabon Corporation’s spiritual successor, the Monument Group, is currently operating in Pavia on CivMC. (Full article…)

This week’s featured article image is the Gabon Corporation’s logo.

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The News

A decorative digsite in Pavia (cr: Tatsu, Amber, Gobblin)

Around the Server

Metagame Highlights

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The Fun Stuff

Some skyscrapers amongst the greenery in Mount Augusta (cr: Jaybirdino)

No builds or calendar this week, a little bit rushing to get this one out. I promise, one big chunky one next week.

Cool Content


Non-Civ Content

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Poll of the Week

A pictureseque cabin in Groveheart (cr: Gidein).

Last week, we had an embarrassingly low amount of responses, which is indicative of the fact that it was an open-response only poll this week. Usually, the bulk of the responses come from multiple-choice questions and I always then leave a second question for people to voice their opinions. However, it being a standalone open-response it did turn people away this week.

Compliments, or I guess #thanks

While we didn’t get a lot of compliments this time around (which I’m going to send later this month), I think this was easily remedied by the converted #today-i-am-thankful-for channel, so I’m going to just highlight some of my favorite thanksgivings here. Well, besides the ones I know about.

I am thankful that I no longer need to be involved in CivDev and the great @Admin team and their development group are absolutely kicking ass keeping things going. ~ [ProgrammerDan]

I think it’s actually kind of nice that even with the developer teams moving on, we’ve had a pretty stable team that works on the core of Civ these days. Great to see Dan enjoying Civ retirement.

Today I’m thankful for being able to play in this immersive minecraft community. I’ve enjoy the politics and bickering a lot. No hard feelings for those who I may have offended with my antics ~ [AetherStarborn]

I think definitely people take this game for granted because where else can you have some sense of actual diplomacy with real(-ish) stakes in Minecraft? Sure, there’s some of us that do not enjoy yappers or antics but they make the game mroe alive.

I am thankful for my time in Gang Shi and Pavia. I am thankful for @Arconis000. I am thankful for all of fempire and exyria ~ [Toaxbis]

Please come back!

I am thankful for all the nice people I have met so far on civ. Too many to ping. So if you talked to me in any way be it telling me to get the fuck off your land or doing fun stuff together, know that I am thankful for every moment. Civ players always get called obsessed or angry but I think the Civ community is very friendly and kind! ❤️ ~ [Nekroz]

It’s nice to know that every time someone yells at a newfriend jumping into a vault, it’s out of compassion.

tal/butter_villager, you are simply a delight and one of my closest friends. An incredibly kind & wonderful human, can always make people laugh & has done an incredible job ~ [Anonymous]

mTfUJi is very nice to newfriends and expeirenced[sic] players alike unless the newfriend has a funny name then he scams them for their spawnbook ~ [Anonymous]

Isn’t this just the classic Newfriend gambit?

i’m thankful for @HaKr_ . without him, i wouldn’t know when restart is ~ [Stratmatt]

When is CivMC going to add a restart warning :(

i’m thankful for not playing civmc regularly (i touch rock and have a girlfriend, those don’t mix with civmc) ~ [grepsedawk]

This is the real winner of the Thanks thread, right?

Vote Now!

I would like to point out for this first question below: An answer at or above “two years” will have you predicting that CivMC will be the newest longest-running Civ server.

Please note that all information submitted is anonymous. See the Privacy Policy for more information.
How much longer do you think CivMC will last for?
What kind of multinational organization do you think works best on Civ?
Select all that are applicable.
You can put any comments to the above two questions here:

Nothing Ever Happens Cry for Help

The Neo Sol - Iaumea “Ruby” bridge, spanning the Medi Sea. Although it might not be a huge architectural wonder, it’s going to provide a major link between the two continents it spans (cr: a1exf).

As you can see I’m just getting less and less time to write these closer to the deadline so I don’t really have anything to say here. We have three editions left before the format switch, so I guess I should put the schedule for what’s up next here:

Ironically, I haven’t figured out the new format yet, but I would imagine the core structure of the current newsletter will not change. If you’d like to contribute something however, I highly implore you to message me @specificlanguage — if you just want to do a one-off or even a monthly commitment, either is fine with me. As long as it’s Civ related, anything is fair game in the newsletter.

Thanks for reading, and until next time: