CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A semi-weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for December 19, 2022

• specificlanguage

Good morning and belated Christmas from New England!

I just realized that the next newsletter won’t be until December 26, so I guess this is my Christmas edition, unless you really want to see stuff on Boxing Day. You know, wouldn’t have this been very funny if we had a Monday Newsletter on Christmas? It’d be like opening a Christmas present for all you Civvas who aren’t going to get any presents. Well, you’re going to have to wait an extra day instead and I’m going to stay up late with all the newfriends who are playing Civ for the holidays.

Ready for the news?

This week’s featured image is Icenia’s Christmas Tree in their local park, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Park. I will admit I was afraid to put that name on the Wiki. The country’s latest escapades have not stopped them from economic development in the city, where XP runs are abundant and the shops are nearly always in stock. Even in the North (or I guess, West?), a new district with builds by SirBoss001 are going up quite rapidly. It’s a great place for happenings right now and it’s awesome to see.

Featured Article

The United Defensive Front, abbreviated UDF, was an alliance between several nations, mainly in the Northern Continent on CivClassic. The alliance was an all-encompassing international political and economic union, but also emphasized self determination, neutrality, free trade, mutual defense, and shared infrastructure. Formed after the collapse of the first United Northern Congress (UNC), it was originally founded with Imperial Truidence, Icenia, and Bloom as founding members, with Yoahtl, Columbia, Southshire, SPQR, and Acadia all joining later in its life.

The alliance was a mainstay in CivClassic despite its involvement in drama across the server. Among some highlights were the aptly-named Chick-Fil-A Crisis, its involvement in the War of the Coalition and the second half of the Infinity War, and the Mount September Ice Road Conflict in 2021. Communications were managed by the UDF Spokesperson, a position primarily held by Enforcer15 throughout the latter years of CivClassic. The institution stood until the end of CivClassic in 2021, however nearly all of these countries continued in some form on CivMC, some being an autonomous state of today’s Icenia.

This week’s featured picture is the members of the UDF, depicted as a Civball version of the Simpsons meme “Sneed’s Feed and Seed” created by StrPlatinum. I know there’s technically a newer version created by KnotNSA, but this is the classic version and I used that one already. Whoops!

In addition to our featured articles this week, we have an additional featured writing piece. Written by staff writer Thraldrek, he’s written an essay about the controversial yet idealist concept of a United Nations within Civ. Here’s the abstract:

If you’ve been playing in this community long enough, you will have undoubtedly been witness to “Civ UN” debates. While being emotionally taxing, they do offer some interesting Civ theory for a player to dive into. This essay touches on the topic of social structures within Civ, and how Civ UN’s are an important, yet utopic form of that. While being difficult to create and maintain, UN’s make up some of the highest level Civ gameplay a player can find in the genre. Unfortunately, UN’s will almost always fail due to a myriad of ways. Reasons for this include, but aren’t limited to, social cost (time), original organizational goals and how they may be viewed after creation and group dynamics within (and occasionally outside) the organization. Regardless, it is the view of this essay that they are not inherently bad, and players should not shy away from challenges that make the genre truly unique.

You can read the full essay here.

Current Events

Pavia’s completed main street, waterfront and city, following its Build Weekend. I did post a small section of the city last week, but now it’s very complete and fleshed out!


At this point, I’m basically operating with the newsletter expecting a big drama stink to happen which requires me to talk about it for more than a bullet point. Oh well.

Time is a Flat Circle

To me, these demands are somewhat reasonable and completely rational actions considering that these were the problems that caused issues with Icenia in the first place.

Meanwhile, Ocala has seen more issues from Arnen:


Around the Server

Imperial Federation’s capital, Imperia, with the Empire Circus market pictured in its town square, reminiscent of a 1800s British arcade. It’s not all Ohio, I swear!

The Northwest

Lyrean Community & Northeast

Alenarith & Southeast

Imperial Federation & West

Server Administration

The Fun Stuff

The Commonwealth’s Verdant Valley, with a lot of new development from loo_wee_gee. Honestly these townhouses are really impressive and I would have made it the featured image had it not been the holiday season.

Holiday “Decorations”

Christmas Cards and More

Christmas Cards

”And More”

Home Alone Pranks

Obtrusive Holiday Ads

Metagame Highlights

Merry Happy Cry for Help

Yoahtl’s Holiday greeting card, with their pigeons!

Thanks for reading this week’s edition of the newsletter. Thankfully, this is one of the first editions where I’m not staying up until 2am to finish.

Huge thanks to Thraldrek who wrote an extended piece just for the newsletter about the diplomatic implications of a CivUN, round of applause for him. Take a read once more if you haven’t already.

Additionally, I’d like to thank BritishWanderer and Creepion, as well as Cammo and Topaz for helping out on proofreading and providing information, respectively, throughout this week.

If you’d like to contribute to the newsletter, contact me at specificlanguage#2891 or fill out this form for a featured article! It’s easy and less convoluted than making drama, and all you need is a funny CivWiki article you can write about. It’s literally the same length as a writing assignment, just click Random page and just crank out 100 words. It’s funny! I really appreciate all the help as we continue into the holiday season.

I’ll see you all on Boxing Day!

And as always…