CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A semi-weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Newsletter for July 22, 2024

Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest! I certainly don't think you guys got affected by the Crowdstrike issue. Unless...? It's been a busy week on Civ this time around and I'm sure everyone's tired of yet another raiding wave. Believe me, I am too just talking about it. But be glad people are being relatively informed and trying to avoid trouble as much as possible. Are we ready for the news? Featured Featured Image ...

18 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for July 15, 2024

Good morning and happy Monday from Pacific Northwest! Where to start... I know after looking on Reddit that it's been quite an eventful week on Civ, and there's quite a lot to cover. I know I said I might be taking this week off, but I think I can pull one out of the hat this week. Meanwhile, after a few long weeks of moving, I've finally set up shop at my apartment with my good computer set up, so you're going to see some cool pics once ag...

18 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for July 8, 2024

Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest! If this week seems a little rushed, it probably is, as I've got a lot going on in my life this week. But hopefully I'm going to deliver you a good enough newsletter, there's a lot of crazy stuff that happened this past week, and no we're not talking about that election, we're talking about the other one. Are we ready to talk news? Featured Fun fact, last week was very unceremoniou...

19 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for July 1, 2024

Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest! I'm sure everyone in the US is taking a short week this time around because of something happening on Thursday. Maybe it's electing the Labour party, I don't know. Hey, by the way, if you're a regular reader but don't do the polls, fill it out this week! This week's poll is a Civ census, and it's literally just filling out your nation and paying a compliment if you'd like. Plus, it's...

15 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for June 24, 2024

Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest! Quite a busy week for me, but I had some good enlightening talks to some people on Civ. I'm sure everyone's been a busy bee because there hasn't been that much news on my radar this week. However, I'm sure that as we're heading into summer, there's been an influx of newfriends and new or returning nations, and that's something Civ likes to see. Heck, there's even a new server out! Lo...

14 min read

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