CivWiki Newsletter for November 25, 2024
Good morning and happy Monday from California! Whoops, today I just happen to not be at my usual location today, visiting some family for the week. I'm still going to deliver what I can! At least the server's died down from talking about all the meteoric iron stuff, right? Right? Well, let's just get to the news and we'll see. Featured Featured Image This week's featured image is Icenia City, around the north side around a few natu...
16 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for November 18, 2024
Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest! I hope everyone has had their fill either complaining about the grind, or complaining that other people get to grind and you don't. What a lovely setup we've got here this week! There's not much more I can say about this week that won't encapsulate all of your frustration besides I hope you're doing well. It's been a pretty stressful weekend for a lot of players and has been a crazy...
18 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for November 11, 2024
Good morning and... uh, it's one of the Mondays alright. I know this week has... been one for some people, and I'm not just talking about gambling. I can't offer any words of wisdom on that front. There isn't even a lot of news this week to talk to you back. But I hope this newsletter at least provides some distraction for you in the next 10-15 minutes, I've got a big meaty section on things have at least provided me a modicum of self-wort...
15 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for November 4, 2024
Good morning and happy Election Monday from the Pacific Northwest! I've already voted myself, so you can't really influence me in any way, but I guess in all likelihood those reading this haven't actually voted yet, so consider this a sign that you should go and vote right now if you haven't. And if you're physically unable or don't live in the US, what's wrong with you? Let's get ready for a short news section this week since I'm burdened...
11 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for October 28, 2024
Good morning and happy Monday-before-Halloween from the Pacific Northwest! It's officially Spooky Time! I hope everyone is gearing up for a very spooky time outside of the game and enjoying some festivities in game too (although, I guess this year's event was not as hype as last year's, in my opinion). We saw a heck of a lot more activity on the subreddit this week -- and at least 50% wasn't drama, great job guys! Are we ready to talk abou...
16 min read