CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Newsletter for July 22, 2024

• specificlanguage

Good morning and happy Monday from the Pacific Northwest!

I certainly don’t think you guys got affected by the Crowdstrike issue. Unless…?

It’s been a busy week on Civ this time around and I’m sure everyone’s tired of yet another raiding wave. Believe me, I am too just talking about it. But be glad people are being relatively informed and trying to avoid trouble as much as possible.

Are we ready for the news?

This week’s featured image is within a picturesque nature spot in Pavia, around Lucassio. The lake that’s the photographer (me) is sitting on did not exist last year, everything in the picture has been man-made. Honestly, I always like these nature landscapes that people have made, as it combines the best of both worlds for the landscape and how players can shape the world to make a beautiful product. A huge thanks to all of the builders.

Featured Article

The Islamic Sultanate of Istanbul and Samarra, affectionately known as ISIS, was a nation on Civcraft 2.0. Although originally founded in summer of 2013 drawing inspiration from Ottoman and Persian culture, it was adopted by Grundeswald later that year before seceding again following a war of independence in Mount Augusta and supported by the Holy Krautchan Empire in 2014. Another city, Samarra, was founded in the later part of the year and recruited a significant amount of newfriends, but were unhappy with Sultan GTAIVisbest, and had a planned uprising cooperating with Gensokyo that never went through as the plot was squashed. Despite these events, ISIS continued to have good relationships with Gensokyo and Mount Augusta, up and until the Goten Secession Crisis.

The country had a unique architecture style, featuring significant amounts of Ottoman- and Persian-style architecture, along with a government style similar to Ottoman states. The capital, Istanbul had a landmark fountain and had Arabic names for each of their districts; the country’s revival was helped in part because of Arabic communication. As the country was located within a desert, the main export was sand for XP production, to be imported into nearby Mount Augusta. Most players that played within ISIS are not currently active today, and is one of the few culturally Islamic countries that has ever existed on Civ.

This week’s featured article image is the Bab al-Qadim, or Old Gate, in Istanbul.

This Week In Civ

On the week of July 22 - July 28 in:

2014 (written by Akiyama64):

2020: The last NATO vault (the Litterbox) was broken, ending the Infinity War.

2021: A minor bounty crisis occurs between Kayla and minemaster333 of Kallos and Mount September, respectively.


  • Brewery was finally added to CivMC, a long awaited addition to the server, which allows custom brews and drinks to be made.
  • Vah continues to raid the server, most notably in Mount Augusta, Mery, Icenia, and Cortesia del Mar. The latter’s leader, Yodabird19, revealed that Vah had been using teleporters obscured under a partial block to escape to a skybridge.


Pavia Crop Shed - Buying & Selling 27 Crops + Mob Drops!We’re proud to present the single largest concentration of floating exchanges on CivMC for purchasing and selling crops & mob drops. We continue to develop, update and upgrade pricing, stock at our floating exchanges with feedback from customers and crop producers like YOU!Sell or buy your crops at a Crop Shed that operates on collective consumer feedback @ +745 , -2920 in the City of Pavia.Click to learn more! (discord link)

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The News

Night in New Callisto, taken by Ansgard. I love his stuff.

Moist Robbery, continued

The raider group’s effects have been very well been felt on the server this past week.

Meanwhile, efforts to hunt down the raider group have only increased, although to no avail.

Around the Server

Metagame Highlights

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The Fun Stuff

New builds in Kobylinski, after a year of building and refurbishment to be a new home. (cr: Wandrum)


I swear that I didn’t make all of these Pavia pics appear this week.

Cool Content


Non-Civ Content

A message from Redmont Chartered AccountantsAre you tired of your corporation’s accounts becoming a mountain of confusion? Feeling overwhelmed, by managing clients and drowning in a sea of spreadsheets? Looking for an accountant? Hire Redmont’s Chartered Accountants! For Individuals, enterprises and governments!For all your business or personal queries, connect with us at @DuckWithAMonocle and let’s build a brighter financial future together!

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Poll of the Week

A balloon over Griffin Harbor. (cr: Ansgard, again!)

Last week, we had 47 responses.

Commonly Used Civ Mods

Before you say anything, yes, CivModersn, no I’m not going to fix it.

Anyway, I was mostly asking about Civ mods that people used in order to get a better idea of what people find useful. CivModern’s tools are probably unmatched and CombatRadar is just useful in general. Snitchmaster’s a super helpful one that I really miss, as it really helped check snitches way easier.

Synapse is a bit of a tricky one to talk about due to the controversy around its use in PvP and usage to track players around the server, but I know people used it (and other mods like this) considerably in the past. It’s definitely a very helpful mod and would more likely be used somewhere like 2b2t — but I digress. It was a game changing mod to be fair, so much so it got banned :)

I do wonder what mods the other 11 people said they used though, would be interesting.

The second question was about life hacks people would want to share. I didn’t think we’d actually get good ones because people like to save the life hacks for themselves, but I got a couple that I might want to share:

If you didn’t know already, you can click on a rail station on the map, and it will give you the exact location and command to type.

/item [ITEMNAME] for lookup factory recipes is a nice QOL I didn’t know about for a long time.

Eventually, one “small” project I want to do is to make a “tips & tricks” post for the Civ community. It really is hard giving people the map link, the newsletter link, and more when anyone wants to find a resource because of how obscure some of these materials are.

But I do want to also share these metagame hacks:

Take Civ slowly and don’t let it take over your life, then you can truly enjoy your time here!

Talk to & message people whenever you have questions or are curious? People on Civ are much more friendly and willing to chat than I think the community likes to give credit for (we only tend to talk about the bad parts)

When investment is high and politics tense the stress of civ can start to interfere with irl priorities. Take breaks when that happens, and try to move relationships you care about off-civ so they’re more resilient in the face of civ politics. Remember you can play with the chat turned off. Every now and again play single player or on other genres of server- if you’re only playing civ it’s harder to notice when it stops being fun, and the burnout can make the entire game no longer enjoyable

My best tip other players should know is to think about Civ, and what you have done on it. I have found myself at times, just falling into the order of Civ, not paying attention to what I am doing, and just doing things. Think about your time and experience on Civ. Realize what makes you happy, and what makes you want to keep logging on, whether it be the community, the builds, etc.

Personally, I’m pretty glad that I only do newsletters each week and rarely interact with the game at all, so I’m not really as invested with raider waves like we have right now.

Vote Now!

I hope these diamond asset numbers are meaningful.

Please note that all information submitted is anonymous. A red star (
) means that this question is required to submit.
How many diamonds do you currently hold as liquid assets? (estimate using your diamonds on hand and/or bank balance)
Which is better for Civ, Discord or Reddit, and why/why not?

Armour Trims at Monument GroupArtificial Industries and Monument Group are proud to announce the availability of all Armour Trims at the MG store in Pavia! Get yours now while stock lasts. Visit MG @ 720, -3030 in the City of Pavia!

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Water is Wet Cry for Help

The fight to pearl Soggyhobo, all thanks to ASN, Estalian and Volterran patriots (cr: Cicero).

Once again, thank you for reading this week’s newsletter! I know it’s a very consistent part of Civ life now and many people take it for granted, but thank you for making me part of your weekly routine.

A big thanks to BritishWanderer, Xcios, Gjum, Ahrimanne, Jaydon, Princess__Bow, and HMaverick for some help this week, along with EmmaKnijn with some supplemental support (via the Imperial Times) as well as most of the Pavia nobles for keeping me company while writing (and asking them annoying questions).

As always, if you’d like to show up on the names here, one great thing to do is to contact me @specificlanguage if you’d like to help! Always need more help for this ever ambitious thing of mine, not to mention Featured Articles.

I guess at this rate, I’ll see you next week! Until then…