CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Newsletter for July 15, 2024

• specificlanguage

Good morning and happy Monday from Pacific Northwest!

Where to start… I know after looking on Reddit that it’s been quite an eventful week on Civ, and there’s quite a lot to cover. I know I said I might be taking this week off, but I think I can pull one out of the hat this week.

Meanwhile, after a few long weeks of moving, I’ve finally set up shop at my apartment with my good computer set up, so you’re going to see some cool pics once again. I don’t think that’s going to change the quality of the newsletter however, you just get more consistently beautiful photos when I take my featured images instead of stealing from everyone else.

Are we ready for the news?

This week’s featured image is a sunrise lighting up Groveheart in the Imperial Federation. It’s my first time visiting the area and it has such a great steampunk-lite vibe with the wood structures and castles in the area. The whole town at night has a great spooky forest vibe, but with the sunrise, it has a perfect rustic charm. It’s such a great place, and honestly, a little tragic that I didn’t visit the area sooner! Hope to come back again soon.

Featured Article

The KANI Rail System was a rail routing and navigation standard for the global rail system on CivClassic. It was the largest rail system on the server and had several adaptations over the years, but was based on roundabout junctions to connect users to their destinations through nodes. Originally known as the Nexus Interchange Gateway, it was conceived as a way to both leverage RailSwitch on a global scale and renovate the rail network in Icenia and Nexus at 0,0. It took advantage of chaining /dest commands, a new feature added by KANI’s creator, Amelorate.

The system was initially created with several different kinds of nodes, including terminals and stations, and featured a central website that automatically calculated the optimal /dest commands to their destination. As the system got bigger and more destinations were added across the server, the rail system was renamed and improvements were made to its routing scheme. Competing rail routing systems, such as AURA, had improvements such as trunk rail routing, which were later implemented into its system. By the end of CivClassic, over 700 routing nodes were created. Some of its ideas were implemented into OneDest, another major server-spanning rail system on CivMC.

This week’s featured article image is a map of all known KANI nodes by the conclusion of CivClassic.

This Week In Civ

On the week of July 15 - July 21 in:

2015 (written by Akiyama64):




  • The UDF alliance is formed by Icenia, Bloom and Imperial Truidence.



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The News

I would say r/confusingperspective of the way this is composted, but no. This is the view from Cluj, Transylvania with Distant Horizons kicked up to 20 (cr: TransylvaniaMan)

Damp Outlaws

Over the past week, SoggyHobo, Dawsonisrainy, ZibeKabir, Airakazz, and Gruht raided several nations. Collectively known as the “Wet Bandits”, they went on a raiding spree of several nations, and pearled several notable people.

Around the Server

Events Coming Up

News & Stuff

Economics Corner

Metagame Highlights

Join Icenia today!Join Icenia today! Icenia has everything a player could want such as food, housing, shops, and traps! It’s also the #1 democracy!!! All hail Sneed! All hail ChrisChrispie!Discord:

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The Fun Stuff

Q’barra’s savannah, with a few temples, arches, and trees (cr: Earyx)

Builds & Showcases

Cool Content


Non-Civ Content

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Poll of the Week

Suramir, in Estalia, the crown jewel market surrounding 0,0. (cr: Lysika_Lantariel)

Last week, we had 73 responses. It was 69 when i wrote this section though, so (nice).

Map Mods

This is actually quite interesting. The fact that VoxelMap’s inactivity and instability in recent years has dropped it down quite a bit, despite the fact it’s the primary map format for CivMap. I do find personally that Xaero’s Map is much easier to configure and use in general, as a VoxelMap convert. JourneyMap being second place is also very good for its customization, but is a little bit harder to handle if you’re not used to it.

Hopefully, people realize how to build tools for the other map mods, because with more people using Xaero’s and Journey and map websites not adapting, it’s only going to be an uphill battle.

In Civ, because entity reading is not allowed, a lot of people do use a radar in conjunction with their map mods, and it’s very clearly shown here.

I made a mistake with the poll so “no map mod” is accidentally a duplicate of “I used something else”, so this is mostly just a poll of those that use map mods, unfortunately.

Old Builds

As we’re now past the two year mark, it is generally inevitable that nations are coming and going and some are just past its time. What should happen when a nation has been very clearly abandoned?

In general, the spectrum goes between complete teardown, or complete preservation:

It should be made sure that they do not exist and won’t exist in the future. Cities shouldn’t be changed to show respect for their work. The rest of land should be used

Preserved until newfriends want to move into that area if it’s a full nation. If it’s just a single build in a city, up to that nation.

Declaimed and left to be repurposed (or cannibalized) by newfriends. If you preserve every little thing because it’s old and your friend played there once 2 years ago, you end up with a museum, not a community.

Nothing, As civ is a game of freedom but with catches i don’t see the point of taking the responsibility of build(s) that were in other words abandoned.

Personally, I believe that old works shouldn’t be preserved only for the sake of preservation. Cities are supposed to be alive, and designed around the people who live in them not just the ones who came before. Of course, keeping culturally significant older buildings and trying to preserve a record makes sense — but…to leave the streets empty and unused represents a greater death than replacing the buildings themselves.

Smaller nations, smaller builds, smaller legacies could easily be torn down. Crayons can always be drawn over

In general it’s more of an argument on whether they should be kept around for newfriends to use, or completely torn down. This was a wide-ranging question, so I personally wouldn’t say it accounts for everything, but this may serve as a guide with its current issues.

Somebody had quite a long response with an interesting mechanical idea:

It’s been long discussed for YEARS, but Civ would really benefit from a dormant/active maintenance system instead, similar to Rust building upkeep mechanics. Some essence stored in revamped city bastions and reinforcements can heal over time? Or without a specific material upkeep the reinforcement will just tick down within that radius.

Vote Now!

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Which Civ-specific mods do you find/have you found helpful (present or past)?
Select all that are applicable.
Do you have any life hacks, tips, tricks or helpful links that other players should know about Civ? (This newsletter cannot count!)

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Hot as Hell Cry for Help

A view from Winterbourne Castle, prior to the raids. Ok, I guess it doesn’t fit the headline, but if you’re in the US this week, you know you’re in the heat bubble.

Phew! That was definitely one of the newsletters of all time. I really have to stop soloing these…

Thanks to Tophat, SoundTech, RedDevel, BritishWanderer, Codey, Toaxbis, Dark_FFC, Princess__Bow, and Imperial Times reporters itslara13, lunarcreation, and Pusheen for contributing something this week (in some capacity or another).

I hope next week I can relax, but there’s Olympics going on, so I don’t think I can. Just need to get back into a routine on these things, I think!

As always, if you want to help out on this newsletter, please reach out to me @specificlanguage! Always appreciate the extra help!

That’s all from me this week, and until next time…