CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Newsletter for October 14, 2024

• specificlanguage

Good morning and happy Monday from the great Pacific Northwest!

As the leaves are starting to turn, I’m very glad we’re entering a much more peaceful and serene period on Civ recently. There’s always going to be drama, sure, that’s never in question, but I think the world has started really develop some worldbuilding over this past peace period. Really great to see the world developing instead of constant drama all the time. Although, I’m sure this is a pocket in time where that hasn’t happened yet.

Ready for the news?

This week’s featured image is completely new — the territory of Bloom in Icenia. Xcios and Slusshi have been hard at work on this for quite a while, and I did promise them I’d show off their train station, which I guess is technically true here. The prismarine domes, sandstone and brick buildings as well as its location are a perfect fit for the landscape. Although it’s way more structured than the original Bloom was on CivClassic, I have to say it’s a much better fit and I can’t wait to see how it expands in the future!

Featured Article

This week’s featured article was written by Ishir_.

Karydia is the western-most continent of CivMC, south of Icenia and northwest of Deluvia. It has the least amount of sovereign nations, home to two: Mercutio and Vanani. The continent also contains territories belonging to external states, including Salerno, based in Southern Sea which are parts of Royal Karydia, Mayguow, which is under Imperial Federation dominion, Karydia Imperial, also a part of the Imperial Federation, and Icarus, part of Icenia. While most of Karydia’s land is controlled by nations based outside the continent, efforts to establish new, independent states have mostly failed, such as nations like Western Boundary, Holy See and others, including a lot of exclaves failing; the relatively new Vanani has been the only lasting example. Infrastructure in Karydia, particularly its rail system, remains underdeveloped, though infrastructure and rail projects are underway to connect key settlements like Malina, Blue Cove, and IF with Mangal (Vanani) and a Salernite rail to Pavia. Key settlements include Malina, the capital of Mercutio, Blue Cove the capital of Icarus, World’s End, a new salernite settlement and upcoming cities in Vanani, like it’s capital Mangal.

Governance across Karydia is diverse, though democratic systems are the most common. Mercutio operates with a theocratic council system, while Vanani combines democratic and monarchical elements. Icarus is governed democratically but remains intertwined with Icenia, and Salerno follows a constitutional monarchy. Mayguow, though part of the IF, operates democratically with the possibility of veto by the IF. Efforts to boost Karydia’s social and economic integration are ongoing, with major developments in Vanani and Salerno in central and southern Karydia driving the region’s growth toward better connectivity and modernization. Karydia’s blend of isolated nations, foreign territories, and ongoing development efforts make it a truly unique region with a complex future ahead.

This week’s featured image is a stylized image of Karydia on xFier’s map, (cr: Ishir_)

This Week In Civ

On the week of October 14 - October 20 in:

2017: Lexington City is captured by Commonwealth, Hjaltland and Mir.

2021: The Caledonia-Asahigaoka Non-Aggression Agreement was signed, dramatically reducing tension between CES and Kallos.



  • Icenia and Nara announced the creation of an International Hockey League.
  • A joke from Slushhi of their intent to not repay their loan from Monument Group resulted in a Pavian confrontation in Bloom territory.
  • Troll_Bebek was pearled by Gang Shi after he sabotaged their vault during a previous war.
  • Volterra announced a full change in their election system, with Mickale becoming its arbiter and the election of a Senate.
  • Last year’s Halloween celebration saw CivMC admin RedDevel encouraging users to decorate their cities in a spooky fashion for a holiday treat.

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The News

The Princely Palace of Kaltsburg, with its garden out in front. (cr: deyan)

Around The Server

Go around the server enough times and it’ll get interesting right?

Metagame Highlights

The Fun Stuff

A new pavilion heading up in Hanyang, Vinland (cr: EmperorAshina)



Didn’t have time to scrape through a lot of builds, but complimenting the ones I did see


Non-Civ Content

Poll of the Week

A new render of Maugate, showing off its expansion. (cr: Urzork)

Last week, we had 52 responses.

Poll Anonymity

I did kind of bucket the answers I expected but honestly, this sort of makes sense. People prefer being anonymous in these polls, and it’s fine because these questions are very softball anyway, and I don’t really care about knowing who said a certain thing because that just introduces more grudge in the community, and nobody wants that.

I do think though, that it’s more interesting that there’s a good amount of people that literally don’t care about privacy and them being tracked on the internet, but that’s a topic for a different discussion. In all honesty, this was essentially a filler question because I couldn’t think of a good choice question this week.

Best Builders

Onto something wholesome, this question was put up by Xcios, although this is a general series of questions about people on Civ. There’s an incredible variety of legendary Civ builders were represented here, old and new.

A whole bunch of people considered some variation of:

Pavia builders

Gobblin (I think he’s the guy who designs most of the Pavia/Gabon stuff but I’m not sure (ed. note: yes he does))

Homie [Gobblin] was building shit in Iria 2.0 that Gensokyo couldn’t build in a decade. The shit he’s doing in Pavia is just a victory lap on a great career.

bob the builder (ed. note: this is a reference to how builders are referred to as Bobs in Pavia)

Which, yeah, that’s not very surprising, considering that literally all of Pavia fills out the poll minutes after the newsletter goes live. I think the speed at which they can build on creative, schematic out, and then start building at a breakneck pace on live, as well as the quantity is honestly quite insane.

Ok, enough me glorifying Pavia again, there are way other good responses here too:

As a Gensokyojin I’m pretty biased but it’s hard to deny Topaz’s builds are fantastic. I’d put who build the Yoahtl Olympic megastructures in second place, I’ve always found them very interesting

I know some people hate them for the drama, but every iteration Genso has consistently had some stellar Imperial Japanese builds very reminiscent of Miyazaki movies; I really like that.

Ngl Sloth is an amazing builder. Have u seen their builds?

Yeah, the scale on his builds is actually really impressive. I hope he does more buildfriending because I do want to see massive builds in the IF once again.

Dr Baconhair, slothinasuit

I’m going to be honest, I don’t know Dr_Bacon_Hair’s builds that much, but considering his track record in Icarus, Icenia and the Temporal Isles, they’re all great places for building too.

XC and x1025

Most people who would say someone like Gobblin, but I haven’t seen him outside of the medieval minecrafty style. I say XCStar.

x1025 has made the most tangible impact on Civ architecture with the post-modernist architecture of the Olympic stadiums, but XCStar has been consistently been one of the main drivers of urban design in Yoahtl (despite what bgbba says), and I love visiting Altepetl every time.

It depends on what you consider the best builds to be. If you’re going for “best city,” I’d probably say everyone who contributed to NYC. If you wanted just sheer quality, I’d say seekinq for his work on Griffin. The folks who designed Pavia might be a close second, but it is a little too repetitive and derivative if you ask me. It’s mostly the sheer quantity they have built that really impresses me.

I think Seekinq, Griffin and its predecessors on CivClassic are extremely underrated in general, just because that although it’s not quantity that we get from them, it’s the quality that they’re able to pull off every time.

SeldomSh0ck, not biased at all, I mean come on, he built Gondolin, and many other buildings.


Like Sloth, I think the scale of Volterra’s builds are absolutely incredible, their capital’s builds (including past builds in Varkonia) is/are probably 3x the size you see in the pictures I put on the newsletter. The amount of detail they can stuff into these builds is something worth seeing.

Yell at Me!

Please note that all information submitted is anonymous. A red star (
) means that this question is required to submit.
How much do you participate/engage in server-wide events?
Who would you consider the best PvPer(s) on Civ?

Y’all not going to be ready for what the open response is next week.


Gadzooks! There’s supposed to be an ad here but nobody paid for this spot!

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Eepy Cry for Help

The 12th Senate of Volterra meeting up in person (cr: Cicero).

Thank you for reading this week’s (spookier?) newsletter! A huge thanks to Ishir_ for writing this week’s featured article (and keeping up with all of my hopefully constructive feedback)!

Next week, as promised, it’s the 5th week of the rotation, so you won’t be hearing my (writer’s) voice as much as I will be taking a break from writing. HOWEVER, I will be assigning helpers to help out for several of the sections, and working as an editor next week. If you’d like to help out gather news within your regional section, I would gladly appreciate it, message me @specificlanguage if you’re the least bit interested.

(Also reach out if you’re interested in an ad too!)

I’ll see you next week (or if not, the week after), so as always…