CivWiki Monday Newsletter for May 22, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! A bit shorter of an introduction today because there's not much to this newsletter anyway, but it's good to have it regardless. As an FYI, I'm taking a short pause from the newsletter for a while, as I'm going on vacation after graduating school. You might see a shortened newsletter like you've seen in the first few weeks, or just nothing at all. I just need some time to rest and also not work no...
10 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for May 15, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! So, guys, we did it, we made it to one year. The 52nd newsletter and still going. The fact that we reached this number in just a short amount of time is just phenomenal, I-I'm just amazed. Ok, in all seriousness, thank you for everything for the past year. This has probably been the one constant in my life with everything going on, and I want to thank all of you for reading these thousands of wor...
27 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for May 8, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! I imagine that after last week's newsletter which got pinned on top of the r/CivMC subreddit, people may not know what this is. If you're new here, welcome! This is intended to be a semi-serious and informational writeup I do each week about the Civ community on Mondays. The newsletters summarize things that not only happen on CivMC, but throughout the entire Civ community, and cover everything f...
11 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for May 1, 2023
Good morning and happy May Day from New England! I hope it's a beautiful morning for you but it was not a beautiful weekend for me considering you guys managed to throw not one, but three spits of drama this past week. There are dull moments on Civ, sure, but when there's something happening, there's something happening. Speaking of something happening, this is the 50th CivWiki Monday Newsletter! It's been quite a ride for the past few months....
20 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for April 24, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! Yeah, it's the same old week, with the exception that I'm graduating from school very soon. I'm scared to grow up, you know. But it's also another week of talking about Civ, yelling about Civ, figuring out whether Civ is stagnating as a genre (it is), trying to find ideas to improve Civ (impossible challenge), and more. Honestly everybody is talking about the same stuff over and over about it bei...
12 min read