CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for April 17, 2023

Good morning and happy Patriot's Day from New England! Fun fact, Patriots Day is actually a state holiday in Massachusetts, and pretty much nowhere else. I have the day off today! It's not just because of the Boston Marathon that happens today (Boston Strong!). It commemorates the first battles of the American Revolution, taking place just outside Boston in Lexington and Concord. Speaking of battles, who's ready for some news? Featured Fea...

9 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for April 10, 2023

Good morning and happy day-after-Easter from New England! Did you know that the word 'Easter' comes from an Old English word that has absolutely nothing to do with Easter in the slightest? It comes from Ēostre, a West Germanic goddess that has basically no relation to Christianity at all. It's literally only because they used her name for the month of April so like, yeah average medieval thing. So speaking of April, are we ready for the news? ...

13 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for April 3, 2023

Good morning and happy Monday from New England! I hope you guys all enjoyed the weekend antics, I certainly did (although, yes I did do an average length newsletter for an april fools joke, thank you for asking). Despite everything going on I still had time to do homework, play board games, have brunch with friends and also cook some food this past weekend. Are we ready for the news? Featured Featured Image This week's featured image is...

13 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for April 1, 2023

Good morning and happy Saturday from New England! Yeah, it's not Monday, but who cares. There's several people that pointed out last week that I need a stupid break from all weekend trauma, so from now on, I'm happy to announce that the newsletter will now be permanently on Saturdays! Just found enough free time in my schedule to be able to write this a few days in advance so that I can actually do things on time. Ready for the news? Feature...

16 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for March 27, 2023

Good morning and it's once again another Monday from New England! I always imagined this newsletter as kind of like a common space, kind of like a bulletin board where all of Civ congregates and comes as one to see what's happening around, and it's certainly felt when we have a big loss in the community such as what we've had this past week. Are we ready for the news? Featured Featured Image This week's featured image is the NoOneTruePu...

17 min read

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