CivWiki Monday Newsletter for February 13, 2023
Good morning and happy belated Valentine's Day from New England! Of course, I can tell that nobody is spending time with their girlfriends with this Valentine's Day because of all the server drama happening on the server right now. Either that or you're all reeling from whatever Super Bowl happened. Ladies, good luck trying to suck your boyfriend away from the game, and if you're reading this Kallos and EP, go touch some grass! Ready for the n...
15 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for February 6, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from freezing New England! This past weekend it was quite below freezing where I am, with a biting low temperature of -3F/-20C with a howling 20+mph windchill so it's nice to sit back, relax and make a newsletter. It wasn't actually that nice though. Honestly, it's biting cold out there, so bundle up and stay safe this winter! I'm sure there was already good incentive to stay inside instead of freezing outside, be...
15 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for January 30, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! I'm sure people are slightly disappointed with a lot of the news that's come out during the last week, whether about CivReign, or about several of the news things on CivMC, but there are some cool things still happening regardless. Then again, you, the reader, are probably hyped about the newsletter even existing, so I can honestly type whatever in this starting section and nobody will actually car...
16 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for January 23, 2023
Good morning and happy Monday from good 'ol New England. Not much happened this midweek but as I'm writing this I'm bracing for the weekend news rush, as usual. Hopefully we're not going to see something extremely terrible like a war happening, right?! Featured Featured Image This week's featured picture is Nara's temples in their main city. I actually took this picture myself this last weekend while going around Alenarith, and Earyx has...
9 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for January 16, 2023
Good morning and happy MLK Day from New England! A little quieter of a week, is what I would have said until the end of week, when everything just happened out of nowhere. Before like Thursday, It was definitely a week spent working for everyone, whether building or PvP or XP stuff. I don't want to say we have another war on our hands, but I do find it funny it's the same people as last time, basically. Everyone in that quadrant must be extreme...
15 min read