CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for January 9, 2023

Good morning and happy Monday from New England! I hope this new year has given you some semblance of joy, motivation, growth, or all three. So far, it's looking to be a ridiculous year so far from the news in real life. There's exciting roads ahead for the Civ genre as a whole this year, so you'll see some of the info in this week's edition. Ready for the news? Featured Featured Image This week's featured image is a view of Verdant Vall...

12 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for January 2, 2023

Good morning and happy new year from New England! If you're new here, welcome! This newsletter is intended to provide a summary of the week's news and happenings throughout the entire Civ community. It's supported by the CivWiki, a player-run wiki that documents history and information related to Civ. Hopefully, this newsletter provides you with a slice of life of what Civ looks like. I hope everyone had a relaxing time with your Civvas, frien...

13 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for December 26, 2022

Good morning and happy Boxing Day from New England! I hope everyone's had a merry Christmas! Sure, you may have had several inches of snow but that's kind of the good part about having a White Christmas right? Unless that brought you a power outage. I'm just jealous that the rest of the US is probably going to get one that I didn't. Thanks to everyone who's provided support and really sympathized with me for the arduous writing done for the ne...

20 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for December 19, 2022

Good morning and belated Christmas from New England! I just realized that the next newsletter won't be until December 26, so I guess this is my Christmas edition, unless you really want to see stuff on Boxing Day. You know, wouldn't have this been very funny if we had a Monday Newsletter on Christmas? It'd be like opening a Christmas present for all you Civvas who aren't going to get any presents. Well, you're going to have to wait an extra day...

17 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for December 12, 2022

Good morning and happy holidays from New England! There is finally snow on the ground here and likewise the trees are coming up all around the server. Good to see the holiday spirit for everyone! It's another bright and early Monday with yet another drama filled week so hopefully everything is smooth sailing from out here. I hope everyone's doing great! Ready for the news? Featured Featured Image This week's featured image is of Butter...

14 min read

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