CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Newsletter for July 18, 2022

Good Monday Morning to everyone and welcome to the new website! This website has been a long time coming despite its very simple appearance; but I've tried my best to copy over the best of the best that we've seen so far from HackMD to Reddit Newsletters to Civ newspapers, and I think this is a great medium ground between everything, so I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. All other previous posts have now been catalogued here, meaning you...

9 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for July 11, 2024

Good morning and happy Monday morning to everyone on Civ! This week was quite a hectic one, with definitely a lot more conflicts this week. Some looked dicier than others and I really hope we don't end up in another server-wide war for the next 75 years but who knows. I'm working on a permanent website, and it's almost done but not in time for this week. This and all previous posts will also be grandfathered back in the website so you can see ...

8 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for July 4, 2022

Good morning from the place where the shot was heard round the world, and happy Independence Day for those in the United States! Thanks to all the wonderful feedback about the visual writeup, it's now a permanent feature, and the text-only will be discontinued. Eventually these will be moved to a full website or on CivWiki in the future, but for now, I'm hosting them on HackMD. Today's currently featured image is the Sauron Eye, built by reff...

9 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for June 27, 2022

Happy Monday Morning from New England! --- Editor's Note This week's featured image is the Pavian Town Hall, opened last week by Pavian Crown Prince BritishWanderer II. Last week after some constructive criticism from many people, I've decided to make a few changes. - The long drama writeups that were present last week are intended to be a lot shorter, mostly to let other people interpret their own views and to put more of the writing on...

9 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for June 20, 2022

Good morning again from New England. Another week for me going around the server and complaining about everything, as everyone knows about. I was able to take a first look at Yoahtl and Gensokyo, and stop by a few more places, so let me know if you want to come over and see how you're doing. A reminder that ^+ (plus subscripts) indicate these will be shown on CivWiki's front page this week. Current Events This week's featured picture is t...

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