CivWiki Newsletter for August 22, 2022
Good Monday morning from (probably rainy) New England! This was a dark week for Civ but it is Monday, so I guess it's about time for me to just bitch about it. At this point, I feel like I'm repeating the same things that I would be writing for CivWiki anyway, and nothing has really changed since the last two wars, they just go onto the next buildfriend town, make it unusable for no reason, and then leave. It's kinda pathetic for the people who...
13 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for August 15, 2022
Good Monday morning from New England! Halfway through August already? I hope everyone's having a fun time on the server, wherever you are. Even though the war...exists...I'm looking at the positives and a lot of people are starting to make some beautiful builds and grow into a good and healthy server. I'm hoping to get around to making a new Getting Start Guide or a second version of the Recruitment Survey, or even another Newfriend Nations Gu...
15 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for August 8, 2022
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! Another bright and sunny day that nobody is going outside to because everyone's probably yelling at whatever Rhode Island did. Or Estalia. Who knows? This week's newsletter was also contributed by the newsletter's staff, helping out to write many of these sections, fact check, and edit these newsletters. Yes, this has become a full-scale operation which is incredibly helpful as the server grows an...
12 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for August 1, 2022
Good morning and happy Monday from New England! It's been quite the eventful week on Civ and because of it, get your pants ready because this newsletter is only going to get longer and longer. Just a note to Estalia and Rhode Island, just a suggestion for next time -- can you start the war not on a Monday after I've posted the newsletter? These things get finalized at around 11pm on Sunday and so it does get a little frustrating sometimes when ...
11 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for July 25, 2022
Good Monday Morning from New England! I hope your computers all survived the heat because I honestly can't believe mine did. Even up here, it's been about 38C for the past couple days and sweating my ass off going into the office. I'm hoping to expand outside of the CivWiki bureaucrats team and other people. However, I'm not taking any applications right now, and it's really more of a thought to better make the newsletter right now. Did you kn...
8 min read