CivWiki Monday Newsletter

A (mostly) weekly newsletter for Civ servers supported by the CivWiki

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for September 26, 2022

Good morning and happy Monday from New England, gamers! Hope you're having a great time not being terrorized by raiders across the server. Now that the server's at peace, I'm weirdly optimistic for CivMC; I'm not sure how long this peace will last, considering that the last time we had a "peace" we never really got to see how it ended considering CivClassic just died, but I digress. The fact that we're at peace makes me appreciate the little th...

9 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for September 19, 2022

Good morning and welcome to this Monday's liberation edition of the Newsletter! I know you're all as happy as I am that the server is completely fine now, and nothing will happen at all. In all seriousness though, I've been reporting information about the war for nearly two months straight; I've spent more time just reporting about the war and not about the fun things that happen on the server. I hoped this newsletter would show players and new...

9 min read

CivWiki Monday Newsletter for September 12, 2022

Good morning and welcome once again to a brand new week, coming live to you from New England. If this week seems incredibly rushed, that's because it is and I'm starting the writing process way later than I usually do. I'm also sick so if that reflects the writing quality so be it. Featured Featured Image This week's featured picture is of the Imperial Federation's docks in Regentsburgh, located in the south portion of the map. Much of th...

9 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for September 5, 2022

Good morning and happy Monday and Labor Day from New England! Another fantastic day for reporting on marginally important news from a niche political Minecraft server! Quite a different week in terms of news, definitely a lot quieter than I was expecting, so it's nice to have a change of pace this week? Who knows, I was volunteering for most of the week and not really paying attention that much on Civ. Anyway, here's the news... Featured F...

7 min read

CivWiki Newsletter for August 29, 2022

Happy Monday morning from New England! Not too many things to talk about besides the big storyTM this week but personally I had to deal with a significant amount of drama this week which is not desirable by anyone here. Tensions are somehow running extremely high this week and I don't want it to last forever because the community's way of worldbuilding and the conflicts surrounding it are what Civ is really about, not the endless namecalling, h...

10 min read

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